Expert hour: Vocational rehab - the heartbeat of income protection

As an industry, providers, advisers and employers must do more to keep the workforce happy and healthy. Introducing vocational rehab; vocational rehabilitation helps employees get back to work when the time is right and is a focal point when it comes to group income protection.
CPD accredited hours
60 minutes
Learning objectives
  • Learn how early intervention is pivotal for employers to keep a healthy workforce 
  • Understand how vocational rehabilitation works as part of a group income protection policy
  • Discover how vocational rehabilitation benefits both employers and employees

Please note:
  • The Host, Niall Degan, is no longer working at AIG Life
  • There's also the possibility that those involved in the webinar may no longer be working in the same capacity
  • It's possible that any views expressed at the time may have subsequently changed
  • This webinar was recorded in December 2021. All data is accurate at the point of recording
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